about fordham   

fun facts

founded: 1841
president: Joseph M. McShane, SJ
mascot: The Ram
school color: Maroon
who we are: The Jesuit University of New York

points of pride

102 Fulbright Scholarships since 2003
1,207 Awards and Scholarships since 2003
82% health professional school acceptance rate
1.2 million community service hours in 2013
2,600 NYC-based internship companies

undergraduate campuses

Rose Hill, Bronx, NY
6,971 undergraduate and graduate students

Lincoln Center, Manhattan, NY
7,858 undergraduate and graduate students

Westchester, West Harrison, NY
457 undergraduates and graduates

The Louis Calder Center Biological Field Station, Armonk,NY

The Fordham University London Centre

our Rose Hill campus is a 20 minute train ride to Grand Central and located right next to the Bronx Zoo and Botanical Gardens!